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What  is?

The purpose of this International Standard is to provide organizations with a framework for protecting the environment and responding to changing environmental conditions, balanced with socio-economic needs. This standard specifies requirements that enable an organization to achieve the intended results it has established for its environmental management system.

Benefits of its Implementation

A systematic approach to environmental management can inform top management to build long-term success and create options to contribute to sustainable development by:

  • The protection of the environment, through the prevention or mitigation of adverse environmental impacts;

  • Mitigation of potentially adverse effects of environmental conditions on the organization;

  • Supporting the organization in complying with legal requirements and other requirements;

  • The improvement of environmental performance;

  • Control or influence over the way in which the organization designs, manufactures, distributes, consumes and carries out the final disposal of products or services, using a life cycle perspective that can prevent environmental impacts from being inadvertently transferred to another point in the life cycle;

  • The achievement of financial and operational benefits that may be the result of implementing respectful environmental alternatives that strengthen the position of the organization in the market;

  • Communication of environmental information to relevant interested parties.

Environmental Policy

At the Universidad Politécnica del Mar y la Sierra we are committed to the environmental context, natural resources, protection of biodiversity, prevention of pollution and mitigation of impacts, in a process of continuous improvement with a vision of sustainability, in adherence to the applicable legislation.

UPMyS Environmental Management System

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