Program Objective
Training professionals of the Agroindustry with a vision integral pertinent to the requirements of the Agro, centered in norms of professional competition that allow facing, adapting and solving the different situations and changes in the context agriculture and food; as well as respond competently to the demand of the different functional areas of a company.
Admission profile
The applicant must have skills in the areas of mathematical and analytical thinking, language structure and reading comprehension; also, you must have the basic skills of mathematics and physics.
Exit Profile
The agroindustrial engineer is a professional who is trained to operate and manage agroindustrial processes and companies with quality in order to conserve, transform and market agricultural products, giving them added value, through a solid technological background that allows him to advise, train and integrate technologies to transfer them to the different social sectors, through sustainable productive projects that promote the economic development of their region. Acting with ethical principles, becoming an agent of change in their environment that fulfills their social responsibility.
English I
values of being
Office tools
Biology Foundations
General and Inorganic Chemistry
Differential and Integral Calculus
Introduction to Agroindustrial Engineering
English II
emotional intelligence
Linear algebra
Probability and statistics
Fundamentals of Physics
Analytic chemistry
Organic Chemistry
English III
Interpersonal Development
Differential equations
Statistical Methods
Research Methodology Seminar
English v
Organizational Skills
Design of Experiments
Material and Energy Balances
Physical chemistry
Quality assurance
Fundamentals of Plant and Animal Physiology
English IV
Thinking Skills
Basic Unit Operations
Agroindustrial Microbiology
Agroindustrial Biochemistry
Stay I
English VI
Professional ethics
Applied Unit Operations
Modern Methods of Analysis
Food Preservation Technologies
Quality management systems
Agroindustrial Maintenance and Safety
English VII
Stay II
Fruit and Vegetable Technologies
Design of Agroindustrial Processes
Agroindustrial Unit Operations
Administrative engineering
English VIII
Dairy Technology
Cereals and Oilseeds Technology
plant engineering
Projects management
Finance and Marketing
Meat Technology
Agroindustrial Intensive Production
Technological Link
Consulting and Training for Agroindustrial Companies
Training and Evaluation of Productive Projects
English IX
Cuatrimestre X
Estadía Profesional