Program Objective
• Train professionals who respond to the regional, national and global needs demanded by the livestock sector within a framework of sustainability and care for the environment.
• Develop and manage sustainable animal production systems with quality and efficiency through technological innovation that contributes to improving the welfare of the livestock sector.
Admission profile
The applicant to enter the Animal Production Engineering Educational Program must have:
• Completed their upper secondary education studies of any modality.
• Intellectual skills in the areas of verbal and mathematical reasoning.
• Interest in animal production.
• Ability to learn other languages.
• Creative, enterprising and collaborative spirit.
• Communication skills developed.
• Good study habits, discipline, perseverance, responsibility and self-management.
• Full time availability.
Competencies and Skills
The Animal Production Engineer has the opportunity to perform professionally in the fields of production, technology transfer, research and teaching in the different dependencies of the public and private sectors.
In the field of production, you will be able to insert yourself in the direction and administration of intensive and extensive livestock farms, you will have the possibility of being the generator and manager of your own livestock company. In the field of technology transfer, you can work as a technical advisor in the development of projects for the agricultural sector. You will have the opportunity to collaborate in applied research work in companies and research centers.
• Manage agricultural companies.
• Management and conservation of exotic species.
• Technical advice in public and private agricultural companies.
• Consultant in agricultural law firms for technical assistance, or in their own company.
• Sale, distribution and marketing of agricultural products and inputs.
• Preparation and evaluation of agricultural investment projects.
Exit Profile
The graduate of Engineering in Animal Production will be able to:
• Evaluate the productive potential of agricultural species of economic and ecological interest.
• Design genetic improvement programs in animal production.
• Carry out research projects on integral livestock aspects.
• Promote the appropriate use of animals to achieve greater efficiency in production.
• Contribute to the improvement of national livestock production based on social needs.
• Design, evaluate and manage production units for agricultural development.
• Efficiently use and manage water to increase the production and productivity of agricultural activity.
• Know the regulatory framework of the agricultural sector.
• Compete in national and international markets, according to standards.
• Plan and execute extension programs for the livestock sector, with elements for the planning and organization of livestock enterprises.
• Prevent diseases of domestic animals.
• Prevent the transmission of zoonotic diseases between animals and humans.
• Carry out good livestock production practices to ensure the safety of products of animal origin.
• Make rational and ethical use of medicines in domestic animals.
• Take samples for laboratories according to regulatory animal health protocols.
• Design management plans and forage production for animal feed.
• Technically direct the obtaining, processing, storage, conservation and transport of gametes and embryos.
• Exercise their professional leadership for the benefit of animal production in the field of their practice.
• Plan, establish and direct their own livestock enterprises.
• Perform with quality and competitiveness.
Plan de Estudios
Cuatrimestre I
Inglés I
Expresión Oral y Escrita
Algebra Lineal
Química Orgánica
Sistemas de Producción Animal
Cuatrimestre II
Inglés II
Desarrollo Humano y Valores
Funciones Matemáticas
Anatomía y Fisiología Animal
Genética Animal
Química Inorgánica
Cuatrimestre III
Inglés III
Inteligencia Emocional y Manejo de Conflictos
Cálculo Diferencial
Microbiología Animal
Parasitología Animal
Enfermedades Bacterianas y Virales
Cuatrimestre IV
Inglés IV
Habilidades Cognitivas y Creatividad
Cálculo Integral
Química Analítica
Nutrición de Rumiantes
Reproducción Animal
Estancia I
Cuatrimestre V
Inglés V
Ética Profesional
Manejo Sanitario
Reproducción Bovina
Nutrición de No Rumiantes
Reproducción Ovina y Caprina
Cuatrimestre VI
Inglés VI
Habilidades Gerenciales
Administración de Empresas Pecuarias
Producción Porcina
Producción Cunicola
Producción Avícola
Probabilidad y Estadística
Cuatrimestre VII
Inglés VII
Liderazgo de Equipos de Alto Desempeño
Matemáticas para Ingeniería
Producción de Forrajes
Diseño de Instalaciones Pecuarias
Modelos de Sistemas Pecuarios
Estancia II
Cuatrimestre VIII
Inglés VIII
Matemáticas para Ingeniería II
Diseño Experimentales
Métodos de Investigación
Fundamentos de Mercadotecnia
Mejoramiento Genético
Manejo Integral de Residuos Pecuarios
Cuatrimestre IX
Inglés IX
Economía Pecuaria
Herramienta de Calidad
Formulación de Proyectos
Bienestar Animal
Expresión Oral y Escrita
Cuatrimestre X
Estadía Profesional