Program Objective
The Agrotechnology Engineer focuses on the agricultural, livestock and forestry aspects of production throughout the production chain, in such a way that the professional of this career will have to acquire the sufficient and necessary skills to identify, diagnose, control, treat and monitor the current problem, through the observation, relationship and induction of the prevailing elements for each production system.
The Agrotechnology engineer will be able to carry out his professional skills and competencies at different levels of the labor field and productive sectors of the State and the Mexican Republic, starting from a technical specialist in the agricultural field, head of department or manager making decisions and/or coordinating productive projects. or scientific and technological research.
Admission profile
To be a professional in Agrotechnology Engineering, it is important that you have the capacity, skills and attitudes to be able to develop knowledge, abilities and skills in areas of exact sciences and agricultural activities with a systemic approach, analysis, design, adoption, adaptation, innovation and implementation of new technologies to provide optimal solutions to problems of agricultural chains and systems, with criteria of sustainability, competitiveness and environmental awareness.
Competencies and Skills
The professional in Agrotechnology Engineering is able to strengthen producers and agricultural companies, from production to marketing, developing knowledge, skills and attitudes. In terms of learning products, the professional applies competence criteria defined in the Study Plan.
The professional skills are broken down into learning units for each of the subjects on the curricular map and the training cycles. In this sense, the professional acquires levels of competence that allow him to generate decision-making, innovate technology, offer consulting, advice and provision of services for sustainable rural development. The training is based on teaching, pertinent and applied research and links to the various employer sectors.
Plan de Estudios
Exit Profile
The graduate of Engineering in Agrotechnology must be able to:
Design production projects by estimating the carrying capacity of the habitat to make it sustainable.
Propose production models through technology transfer for the implementation of specific solutions in the different production areas.
Design production strategies for the management of natural resources by identifying the natural dynamics of the population.
Determine the use of specific technologies to increase productive performance through the detection of areas of opportunity in the agricultural and livestock sector.
Develop the production process using technological tools for environmental and physiological control to increase performance.
Manage intensive production processes through the use of automated agricultural and livestock systems to improve and increase productivity.
Propose strategic technological models to institutions based on the capacity of the field of action to make their development more efficient.
Propose the implementation of continuous improvement systems based on the strategic management of the company to make production more efficient.
Propose technological solutions to institutions for their better functioning through timely diagnosis of their production processes.
Design technological solutions for sustainable production by following institutional policies.
Design strategic plans by improving the indicators selected by the company to reduce regional marginality rates.
Verify the technological models of production to make the cost-benefit ratio more efficient by monitoring the experimental units.
Cuatrimestre I
Inglés I
Valores del ser
Álgebra Lineal de Biología
Química Agrícola
Herramientas de Ofimática
Introducción a la Agro tecnología
Fundamentos de Negocios Internacionales
Cuatrimestre II
Inglés II
Inteligencia Emocional
Cálculo Diferencial e Integral
Botánica Sistemática
Probabilidad y Estadística
Cuatrimestre III
Inglés III
Desarrollo Interpersonal
Ecuaciones Diferenciales
Diseños Experimentales
Sistemas de Información Geográfica
Metodología de la Investigación
Cuatrimestre IV
Inglés IV
Habilidades del Pensamiento
Maquinaria Agrícola
Microbiología Agrícola
Estancia I
Cuatrimestre V
Inglés V
Habilidades Organizacionales
Tecnologías de Riego
Fertilidad de Suelo
Modelos Computacionales
Economía Agrícola
Cuatrimestre VI
Inglés VI
Ética Profesional
Inventario de Recursos Naturales
Entomología Agrícola
Fisiología Vegetal
Agro climatología
Cuatrimestre VII
Ingles VII
Nutrición Animal
Manejo Integrado de Plagas
Nutrición Vegetal
Tecnologías de Control
Estancia II
Cuatrimestre VIII
Inglés VIII
Producción y Conservación de Forrajes
Temas Selectos de Biotecnología
Producción de Semillas
Agricultura Protegida
Cuatrimestre IX
Inglés IX
Sistemas de Producción Agrícola
Sistemas de Producción Pecuaria
Aseguramiento de Calidad Postcosecha
Agricultura Orgánica
Industrialización de Productos Agropecuarios
Formulación y Evaluación de Proyectos
Cuatrimestre X
Estadía Profesional