We express the warmest welcome to the website of the UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DEL MAR y LA SIERRA (UPMyS), which aims to offer timely information about what we are and what we do to meet the goal of making this institution the educational offer pertinent and of quality that responds to the requirements of professionals of the 21st century.
We are part of the subsystem of Polytechnic Universities of the country, which implement the competency-based model, with the use of new information and communication technologies (ICT's) as part of the teaching and learning process, aimed at developing the human potential of the region, always meeting its current requirements and futures.
The administrative, teaching and management support team of the University is honored by your visit to this portal, your interest in knowing us encourages our commitment, since we have undertaken an arduous task towards the construction of a person-centered institution.
We hope that during your visit, you will find information of interest, timely and true, that will facilitate the procedures for applicants to be part of this university family, students, teachers and parents, as well as for those who just want to get to know us.
Finally, we are convinced that it is an open and unfinished Web Page that must be nourished by the valuable contribution of you: students, teachers, researchers, extensionists, administrative workers, managers, graduates and society as a whole, to build together the educational institution of quality that the economic, social and cultural development of the central-southern region of the State of Sinaloa needs, as a new way of thinking or a new way of seeing an educational institution and its future.
Thank you for your visit, we hope to enjoy it again on another occasion.
Dr. Luis Miguel Flores Campaign
“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”
Mandela, Nelson