What is?
The Mexican Standard NMX-R-025-SCFI-2015 on Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination is a mechanism of voluntary adoption to recognize workplaces that have practices in terms of labor equality and non-discrimination, to favor the integral development of the workers.
This certification is aimed at all public, private and social work centers established in the Mexican Republic, of any size, sector or activity. To obtain it, the work centers must receive a third-party audit to verify that their policies and practices comply with the requirements of labor equality and non-discrimination.
Its main axes are: incorporating the gender perspective and non-discrimination in the processes of recruitment, selection, mobility and training; ensure equal pay; implement actions to prevent and address workplace violence; and carry out actions of co-responsibility between the work, family and personal life of its workers, with equal treatment and opportunities.
Consult Standard NMX-R-025-SCFI-2015
What relationship does it have with UPMyS ?
At the Universidad Politécnica del Mar y la Sierra we are committed to training professionals with solid values and we recognize that we must begin by becoming better people day by day, which is why, with the intention of achieving substantive equality, we focus our efforts on incorporating the gender perspective and non-discrimination in our processes of recruitment, selection, mobility and training of personnel, guarantee equal pay, implement actions to prevent and address workplace violence and carry out actions of co-responsibility between the work, family and personal life of our workers and workers, with equal treatment and opportunities.
UPMyS Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination Policy
At the Universidad Politécnica del Mar y la Sierra we are committed to promoting equal opportunities between women and men in access to education and employment, prohibiting mistreatment, violence and segregation of the UPMyS authorities towards the staff and among its university community, generating a healthy environment and harmonious conditions, through actions that favor labor equality and non-discrimination, establishing objectives and action plans to achieve them.
Management System for Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination UPMyS
Politics of Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination
Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination Committee
Staff recruitment and selection process without discrimination
Internal Audit (Appendix C)
Measurement of the work environment and non-discrimination in the UPMyS (Appendix E)
Code of ethics
Equal pay, benefits and compensation to staff
Promotion process and permanence with equal opportunities
Training processes, training training with equal opportunities
Training and awareness plan on labor equality and non-discrimination
Inclusive, non-sexist and accessible language
Actions for co-responsibility in work, family and personal life with equal opportunities
Accessibility in work centers
Mechanisms to prevent, address and punish practices of discrimination and workplace violence
Leveling measures, inclusion measures and affirmative actions
Integration of the staff with at least 40% of the same sex
Existence of 40% of women in the total staff of managerial positions
Staff with disabilities in a proportion of 5% of the total staff
Existence of a mediating figure or Ombudsperson
Activities or events focused on promoting labor equality and non-discrimination between the institution's staff and families
UPMyS Breastfeeding Room
The Polytechnic University of Mar y la Sierra promotes and encourages breastfeeding in the nutrition of babies, especially when the nursing mother returns to her place of work or study.
According to what is proposed by the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Government of our country, breastfeeding is recognized as a human right and sustainable development of children and mothers who wish to breastfeed.
Due to the above, the UPMyS implemented a hygienic place that facilitates the extraction of breast milk or the breastfeeding of the baby.
Location of the Lactation Room
The room is located in cubicle 3 of the Information and Documentation Center (Library).