Polytechnic universities seek to respond to social needs to train professionals in an integral manner, equipping them with the necessary skills to integrate into any work environment.
The educational offer of these universities aims to promote learning through real situations, which are reflected in the contents of the programs and in their pedagogical development.
In the educational model of the polytechnic universities, professional training based on competencies is proposed, which has different characteristics from traditional training, which are manifested in the curricular design, in the way of conducting the teaching-learning process through the use of diverse didactic strategies and techniques, and in the evaluation of learning.
What do we offer our students?
Study plans and programs with competency-based design.
Lateral exits in three training cycles.
Relevant careers, according to the needs of the productive sectors and the demands of the profession, lasting three and a half years.
Competent professors in their areas of specialization, with a minimum academic degree of master's degree.
Stays and stays in companies.
English for nine semesters of the degree.
Mobility between Polytechnic Universities.
Appropriate learning environments and facilities.
Individualized attention, based on tutoring and counseling programs.
Participation in research projects.
Acquisition of generic skills to learn and update; to identify, pose and solve problems; to formulate and manage projects; and to communicate effectively in Spanish and English.
Automatic qualification at the end of the study plan.